There is always something to remind us to keep kids safe. The other days we were sitting around the dinning table when one of the kids came and said that the other kids was in her room on the floor crying. My immediate thought was to see what stupidity she had come up with because […]
If you step out side now you will literally feel it in the air. Yes summer is nearly upon us and you can feel it getting warmer everyday. Before you know it the time will come to head down to the beach and get in to your swimming costume and go for a swim. That […]
The market recently has been all over the place. It is difficult to predict anymore whether it is going up or down. It used to be (at least for a while), that is it went up before lunch you would expect it to retreat a bit after. Or if it went up one day it […]
Martial arts training has been around since the dawn of time. The Ancient Greeks practiced it, as too did the Romans, the Egyptians, the Assyrian and pretty much the entire ancient world. The training was formalised and based on experience just as it was with their oriental martial brothers and sisters. The training was necessary […]
When most people think about gym mats the first thing that comes to mind is Jigsaw Puzzle Mats. That is because gym mats are largely associated with jigsaw puzzle mats in the Australian. People referring to gym mats as jigsaw puzzle mats can be found coast to coast and state to state. That said there is […]
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